The Trenches of Orenburg


The Trenches of Orenburg

Sale Price:$225.00 Original Price:$275.00

Inflation is affecting every industry right now, including ours. Everyone knows that MilSim West is the premier, and only, purveyor of fine 40 hour military simulation events and has been for over 10 years. 40 hours no longer means what it used to, and we have made the difficult decision to make this years Centerville force on force event…60 (ish) hours!

Yes, you read that right - starting Friday, May 23 the event will last until Monday, May 26. This means there will be 24 hours more action, 24 hours more patrolling, 24 hours more patrol base operations, and 24 hours more of what makes MilSim West.

If for whatever reason the “standard” 40 hour event has left you wanting more, this is the event for you!

MilSim West Presents THE TRENCHES OF ORENBURG May 23-26 in Centerville, WA on 3300 acres of land in one of the largest AOs ever used for war gaming.

Registration opens Monday, December 30 at $185.

December 30-January 15 - $185

January 16-March 1 - $200

March 2-April 1 - $225

April 2-May 1 - $225

May 1-May 17 - $275

NATO Faction Group:
RUSFOR Faction Group:

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