Patrol Challenge 2
Patrol Challenge 2
MilSim West is excited to announce the second event in our latest event format - PATROL CHALLENGE 2!
For the first time ever MilSim West is combining our hardcore, immersive style of event with a competition format to determine who really is the best at immersive light infantry military simulation.
Utilizing an objective, and subjective grading criteria patrol challenge will not only test you physically and mentally - but also your teamwork and team building skills of your 30 man patrol throughout the 40 hour evolution.
This event is not for the weak or faint-hearted. Everything the patrol does will be graded collectively - whether it is the timed movement at the beginning, or ongoing tasks like conducting a raid, ambush, or area reconnaissance. Participants will be required to conduct combat patrols on foot while carrying their entire sustainment load while being graded!
Every score, subjective (Collective grading material such as ambushes, recons, etc..) and objective will be rolled up into one score at the end of the event. The patrol with the highest amount of points will win the event.
To ensure participants are prepared for the event, there will be over 24 hours of online classes covering the exact standards and grading material relevant to light infantry tactics as it relates to airsoft along with a question and answer portion and live interaction with cadre and instructors.
All participants will leave the event as better team members and leaders and with information they can take home with them. The winners will leave the event with one years worth of 50% off MSW events (and bragging rights).
The Patrol Challenge curriculum and game format was designed by Max Daniel, a former Army Officer and Security Cooperation Officer in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) where he managed a school house teaching foreign partner forces to pass Ranger School.
Registration opens Wednesday, April 26th at $200.
April 26 - June 1 - $200
June 2 - July 1 - $225
July 2 - Aug 18 - $250
You can view the Patrol Challenge TACSOP for last year here (updated version coming soon):
Q. Will there be more Patrol Challenges in other areas?
A. That is the plan going forward.
Q. What are the factions/uniform restrictions for Patrol Challenge?
A. There will be RUSFOR and NATO patrols, just like traditional force on force events. The only difference is NATO is only allowed to wear Multicam.
Q. How big is each patrol?
A. Each patrol is a max of 35-40 men.
Q. How will this differ from each force on force event?
A. This is will be substantially more physically demanding than a traditional force on force event, and it will be graded/scored with a winner announced at the end.
Q. Is this an athletic competition?
A. In some ways yes. Your patrol will race other patrols on a timed movement and your patrol will move complicated heavy objects as a team.
Q. Is all graded material provided beforehand?
A. Yes
Q. Will pre-planning products for the event like OPORD and CONOP Shells be provided?
A. Yes.